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Anna Gannon Anna Gannon

Exploring Your Intuitive Abilities with the Clairs

You may have heard the term “Clairs” in your local yoga class, meditation app, or spiritually focused Instagram feed. And chances are you've encountered Clairvoyance and know it relates to "seeing" energy and having psychic abilities. However, you may not realize that there are several Clairs, each associated with different intuitive abilities. Read my article to identify which one you are gifted with!

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Anna Gannon Anna Gannon

Energy Healing with the Earth Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water

As an Intuitive Psychic Medium and Energy Work & Intuitive Development Coach, I believe the earth elements hold profound energy healing capabilities, supporting us both physically and energetically. Check out this article that highlights the different earth elements and how we can use with for our greater good.

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